Well, the whole family got to pack up and head out this spring break... definitely a change from years past. This is the first year we have been able to go as a family with Matt on spring break missions. We headed to a town by St. Joseph Missouri to a camp called God's mountain. The wonderful college students other leaders did things to help the camp prepare for the summer (drywall, paint, ....) while we pretty much played and played and played some more. It was wonderful being able to get up, eat wonderful food that the cooks prepared, then just play with my kids all day not having to worry about a thing. I would have loved to get to know some college students better than I was able, but kids make conversations short at times. What a wonderful place, full of God-loving people! We were blessed to be there! I will provide more details later... but kiddos are waking up :).
I love that place... so glad you all got to go this year!!! :)