Monday, October 21, 2013

Fall Fun

Taylor... nine months and my little explorer.

Crazy T (almost three)

Miss Madison (4 1/2)

side note - my kids are obsessed with checking the mail.  Thank you to all who send us 'fun' mail.  I wish you were there to see the moment of crazy chaos when they realize that something is for them.

The flying T

Madison... quite a showing.

side view... 

My favorite... once again realizing that it is definitely the SMALL things in life that are so wonderful.  

Our new little neighbor friend Ava came over to join us.  We usually see her sis Alaina but it was just Ava today.  Love our new neighborhood full of precious littles!

Chief got his ball stuck in the tree... Madison to the rescue.

Bundle of fun.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

8 Months!

Loves her tongue right now!

This is just a face that she has all the time.
Sweet Little Miss Tay is one day shy of being nine months... therefore I can still blog about her eighth month :).

Your world has changed now that you are on the move.  You figured out how to get those legs and
 arms moving and you are crawling!  You aren't super fast yet, but you can get anywhere you want.  This will make our split-level house a bit interesting.  This new accomplishment has made you quite happy and entertained.  You find the most incredibly small piece of anything on the floor and work very hard to pick it up and put it in your mouth.  I have no idea how many things you have ingested ... I don't want to know.  You love many things... eating (anything and everything), your brother and sister, hanging upside-down, being tickled, playing outside, your little push-car, and the list goes on.  You can pull yourself to a stand on something that is easy to grip, especially your crib.  You are very fun and oh so sweet.  You would be sweet all of the time if you would convince yourself that napping for more than a half hour is a great thing for all involved.  You are a good sleeper now at night, though, so I have no complaints.  One of my favorites is when I am holding you and you make eye contact with someone you don't know (and often some you do), you bury your face into my shoulder.  If you can't see them, then they probably can't see you.  You're the best and we are loving life moving into your ninth month.  We love you, we love you, we love you a hundred times over.  All of us... we love you!

Pumpkin Pickin'

We moved in July and our idea of a garden was quickly fading.  Matt was at Menards one day and decided to grab a couple of seeds and we threw them in.  Literally we planted them, walked away, watered a few times, and it grew.  Incredible... I was literally amazed at how God uses something so tiny, provides it's food, and you have huge plants!  My mom has always had awesome gardens but it was a bit different when it was in my own back yard.  I know the fact that the river floods our garden area every few years and that helps, but it was fun.

Anyways, we planted a couple of pumpkin seeds and pumpkins actually grew.  Three of them... how perfect.  We plan to plant a whole patch next year since they were so fun to watch grow.  Madison had her eye on the first pumpkin that was turning orange.  Every time we went out there she would look at me and mouth "That's mine, Mom".  Once the other two started turning, and one of the other pumpkins began to grow a bit larger than 'hers', she turned to me and said, "Mom, I've got an idea.  How about I have this pumpkin (the largest) and T can have that one."

We finally picked them today and brought them up to the house... we shall carve them next weekend.
About to pick our pumpkins