Sunday, August 4, 2013

Kick Ball

We took the kids down in the backyard yesterday and told them we were going to play a round of kick ball.  Madison has shown very little interest in sports so far and I was excited that she was excited.  T was just along for the ride.  I explained to her in detail how the game was played and we played a few rounds. One person would pitch while another would kick and the other two would try and get the ball and throw it at the runner.  Madison kicked it a few times and made it around the bases without getting out (a few purposely over-thrown balls by her Daddy and I).  Let me also tell you that I ran a few times and got pelted by Matt as did he.... so everyone had seen how the game worked.

Madison was having a great time and was begging to play longer.  I was very pleased she was so excited about a sport (other than dance and gymnastics :)).  She got up, I pitched her the ball, she waited for it to come to a complete stop and then tried her hardest to kick it.  It rolled right to me where I decided to pick it up and give it a throw.  It hit her right in the leg just before she reached the first base.  She looked a little stunned while Matt followed that with a loud "Yoooooou're Out!".  Let's just say that the fun game took a turn for the worst.  Madison looked at Matt and I with a look of complete devastation and broke down into an utter sob.  I have very few times seen her cry so hard.  Once Matt and I gathered ourselves (after attempting to belly laugh without showing it) and I got Madison calmed down, we both concluded that she would rather play the game of 'kick the ball and just run around the bases for fun'.  I still haven't figured out what was so terrible about that moment... that she got out, that her own mother would purposely throw a ball at her and hit her, or her Daddy yelling that she was out...

I'm pretty sure this may have been her last game of kick ball for the summer.  Oh well.

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