Friday, February 27, 2015

It's the little things... with littles.

So today is one of those days that, frankly, have become more infrequent.  We're all pretty happy and tired from a fun morning and turning the corner to the second half of the day.  I finally found a quiet 'enough' moment to take off the pants that I have on that have poop on them from a blown out diap.  It's after three and lunch is still all over the counter... bread crusts that maybe the dog has already eaten... not sure.  The living room floor is under those toys somewhere, but for now it is lost.  My meals today have consisted of an egg straight out of the pan and peanut butter and jelly smeared on some bread crusts that I cut off the kids bread.  It's one of those days that I'm not sure what is happening for dinner and when Matt calls I'll just say, "Just a heads up... it's not clean".  Not that he cares.  He will probably try and help me but he has a whole load on his plate as well... teaching on Sunday and a booth at the Classic the following weekend.  I have perspective.  Certainly more so that I used to have before all these little people.  They have done quite a number on my character building and I love them like crazy.  I stood in the shower remembering a quote I had just saw that said, "Behind every GREAT kid is a mom who's pretty sure she is screwing it all up".  I thought, could this be true?  I hope so.  Some days I think, "I've got this".  Other days I think, "What in the heck am I thinking!?".  God is good and he loves our family and we are loving him.  We live in a beautiful, free country that I am so thankful for.  My husband loves us, works hard for our family, and we still like each other after four kids... I think that's a win.  Anyways, I was feeling a bit sorry for myself as I stood tired in the shower today and when I stepped out I saw this.  Amongst a dirty, wet suit and toothpaste chunks all over the sink, this cute little "MOM DAD" written in sweet four year old handwriting.  Just sitting there.  I sure do love these little people that run around my house... I'm not sure if I always 'like' them (especially, well, nevermind... the feeling I'm sure is mutual),  but they are worth it.  I will give them my best... even if this is all it is.  I saw on a friends fridge the other day... "they don't need a super-mom... they need a mom who needs a Super-God"... phew.

1 comment:

  1. I just had that thought this morning about how much of a better person I have become after having kids...such refined character that I wouldn't have had without kids (although some days are super hard). Have you read the book, "Sacred Parenting" by Gary Thomas? I think you would like it. On a good note- you got a shower!!!
