Saturday, February 21, 2015


It finally warmed up enough for us all to get outside and burn some energy :).
Tripple Ride on the saucer

I think T originally had the idea to give the girls a push but never let go.

Happy Alayna :).

Not sure what is going on here... it seems like everyone has a different plan on what should be happening.  I thought it was a bit funny.

And it's not all happy sunshine around this place... I'm not sure if he is sad because the girls went down without him or because he bruised a knee.

This is Eliott's "I'm not going to smile" face...

Taylor found this awesome hat and it was the choice wear today... we choose our battles in our house.

Taylor had little interest in sledding, swinging on the other hand...

Our backyard is perfect sledding right now.... a sheet of awesome ice.

Madison and Ava

If we only knew what she was thinking... most of the day.

Eliott didn't want a picture with the girls (not sure why)... but he wanted to make sure I got one of him sledding by himself...

Fun friends

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