Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Eliott turns 4 months :)

The big 4 months... crazy! I feel like 4 months is when you finally grew out of your new baby stage and into your big baby stage... if that makes sense. You do so much! You smile and laugh a lot, you love to stand up on my lap (with help), you want to sit up and see the world so I sit you up in your bumbo, your jumperoo, or your high chair, and you like that. I also decided that 4 months was the time you needed to start taking some big naps and becoming an 'independent' sleeper, so we have been working on that as well. You have been doing a great job, for the most part :). You still like to snuggle with me at night sometimes, and I love that too! You can usually stay awake for an hour and a half to two hours before you need to get some zzz's. You've been working on taking three good naps and then bedtime around 7:00 or 7:30. You still get up once or twice to eat, and I haven't pushed that since Dad's leaving for break next week and I didn't want to work on that till after he gets home :). You started cereal this week too... you aren't totally crazy about it but you're doing a good job of taking it from a spoon. Soon we will try something a bit more yummy. I take you to the doc tomorrow, so I will have to update on your size after that. I definitely need to get to the store since your 6-9 month clothes are too tight! You are our big little man, that's for sure! You are loved by your Mom and Dad and you are sure loved by your big sis. Yesterday I turned around and Madison had your bouncy seat full of books and stuffed animals situated all around you and was sitting on a stool next to you 'reading' you a story. After the story was done, she went and got your 'keys' and shook them above you for further entertainment. She also will randomly walk over to you and hug and kiss you. The other day, when you were having a bit of a hard time napping, I went into your room and saw that Madison had somehow put your musical mobile inside your cradle. Thankfully it didn't land on you :). We are sooooo thankful that you are our sweet little boy. Your content, happy, easy going personality continues to spoil us. You have blessed us these first four months and we are so excited to continue life as a family of four! Eliott, you are loved!

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