Monday, September 26, 2011

Eliott Stands!

Today, while I was washing dishes, I looked over and Eliott was standing in the kitchen, looking at me, smiling. He was sort of close to the refrigerator, but not close enough that he pulled himself up with it and just let go. I wasn't quite sure how he had gotten to that position until later, I watched him get up onto his hands and feet, then slowly stand himself up without holding onto anything. He looked up with the hugest, proudest smile on his face, then slowly lowered himself back to the ground. You may say that we are going to soon have a walker, but I'm not so sure. He still doesn't really walk along furniture, refuses to walk while you hold his hands, and only plays 'catch-up' to his walking toy. We'll see. Maybe he will just learn to stand still in one spot for awhile... which wouldn't be a terrible thing. He still hasn't lost his incredibly fast one knee/one foot crawl. He's a fun little man!

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